1. Dress for Success
If you want to be viewed in a certain way, and you want to feel like you’re ready for that promotion or career change, dress for the part you want to fill. If your clothing represents the role you want, you’ll be able to better picture yourself IN that role. AND others will also have an insight into whether they THINK that role is the right ‘fit’ for you.
2. Stick to the ‘Right-For-You’ clothing
There’s no need to re-invent yourself or go through a major make-over every time. The best way to look, feel and act confident, is to wear the clothing that’s Right For You! Forget about what’s trending and what the celebrities wear. Pick styles and colours that you KNOW make you look and FEEL great. Remember, just because something looks great on one person, doesn’t mean that same look will translate across to someone else.
3. Be brave and authentic
If there’s something that you LOVE and you know it makes you look great and feel confident, then WEAR IT! Don’t worry about what others might say or think. Wear clothes that tell the world who you are and how you want (and deserve) to be treated. Always wear clothes that make you feel comfortable… not just in the ‘practical’ sense. And be sure that what you have on, on the outside, reflects how you want to feel on the inside.
Essentially, knowing how clothes affect your confidence is the first step towards making a conscious choice in choosing the RIGHT clothing for you, to help you feel, act and BE the confident woman you want to be.